旨在为通用机器人铺平道路的边界研究,视觉和语言导航(VLN)一直是计算机视觉和自然语言处理社区的热门话题。 VLN任务要求代理在不熟悉的环境中按照自然语言说明导航到目标位置。最近,基于变压器的模型已在VLN任务上获得了重大改进。由于变压器体系结构中的注意力机制可以更好地整合视觉和语言的模式内和模式信息。但是,当前基于变压器的模型中存在两个问题。 1)模型独立处理每个视图,而无需考虑对象的完整性。 2)在视觉模态的自我注意操作期间,在空间上遥远的视图可以彼此交织而无需明确的限制。这种混合可能会引入额外的噪音而不是有用的信息。为了解决这些问题,我们建议1)基于插槽注意的模块,以合并来自同一对象的分割的信息。 2)局部注意力掩模机制限制视觉注意力跨度。所提出的模块可以轻松地插入任何VLN体系结构中,我们将复发的VLN-Bert用作基本模型。 R2R数据集的实验表明,我们的模型已达到最新结果。
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Different people speak with diverse personalized speaking styles. Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation framework. In a nutshell, we aim to attain a speaking style from an arbitrary reference speaking video and then drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking style and another piece of audio. Specifically, we first develop a style encoder to extract dynamic facial motion patterns of a style reference video and then encode them into a style code. Afterward, we introduce a style-controllable decoder to synthesize stylized facial animations from the speech content and style code. In order to integrate the reference speaking style into generated videos, we design a style-aware adaptive transformer, which enables the encoded style code to adjust the weights of the feed-forward layers accordingly. Thanks to the style-aware adaptation mechanism, the reference speaking style can be better embedded into synthesized videos during decoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of generating talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip while achieving authentic visual effects. Project Page: https://github.com/FuxiVirtualHuman/styletalk.
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Driven by improved architectures and better representation learning frameworks, the field of visual recognition has enjoyed rapid modernization and performance boost in the early 2020s. For example, modern ConvNets, represented by ConvNeXt, have demonstrated strong performance in various scenarios. While these models were originally designed for supervised learning with ImageNet labels, they can also potentially benefit from self-supervised learning techniques such as masked autoencoders (MAE). However, we found that simply combining these two approaches leads to subpar performance. In this paper, we propose a fully convolutional masked autoencoder framework and a new Global Response Normalization (GRN) layer that can be added to the ConvNeXt architecture to enhance inter-channel feature competition. This co-design of self-supervised learning techniques and architectural improvement results in a new model family called ConvNeXt V2, which significantly improves the performance of pure ConvNets on various recognition benchmarks, including ImageNet classification, COCO detection, and ADE20K segmentation. We also provide pre-trained ConvNeXt V2 models of various sizes, ranging from an efficient 3.7M-parameter Atto model with 76.7% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, to a 650M Huge model that achieves a state-of-the-art 88.9% accuracy using only public training data.
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In this tutorial paper, we look into the evolution and prospect of network architecture and propose a novel conceptual architecture for the 6th generation (6G) networks. The proposed architecture has two key elements, i.e., holistic network virtualization and pervasive artificial intelligence (AI). The holistic network virtualization consists of network slicing and digital twin, from the aspects of service provision and service demand, respectively, to incorporate service-centric and user-centric networking. The pervasive network intelligence integrates AI into future networks from the perspectives of networking for AI and AI for networking, respectively. Building on holistic network virtualization and pervasive network intelligence, the proposed architecture can facilitate three types of interplay, i.e., the interplay between digital twin and network slicing paradigms, between model-driven and data-driven methods for network management, and between virtualization and AI, to maximize the flexibility, scalability, adaptivity, and intelligence for 6G networks. We also identify challenges and open issues related to the proposed architecture. By providing our vision, we aim to inspire further discussions and developments on the potential architecture of 6G.
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We present Second Thought, a new learning paradigm that enables language models (LMs) to re-align with human values. By modeling the chain-of-edits between value-unaligned and value-aligned text, with LM fine-tuning and additional refinement through reinforcement learning, Second Thought not only achieves superior performance in three value alignment benchmark datasets but also shows strong human-value transfer learning ability in few-shot scenarios. The generated editing steps also offer better interpretability and ease for interactive error correction. Extensive human evaluations further confirm its effectiveness.
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Through a study of multi-gas mixture datasets, we show that in multi-component spectral analysis, the number of functional or non-functional principal components required to retain the essential information is the same as the number of independent constituents in the mixture set. Due to the mutual in-dependency among different gas molecules, near one-to-one projection from the principal component to the mixture constituent can be established, leading to a significant simplification of spectral quantification. Further, with the knowledge of the molar extinction coefficients of each constituent, a complete principal component set can be extracted from the coefficients directly, and few to none training samples are required for the learning model. Compared to other approaches, the proposed methods provide fast and accurate spectral quantification solutions with a small memory size needed.
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Unbiased learning to rank (ULTR) studies the problem of mitigating various biases from implicit user feedback data such as clicks, and has been receiving considerable attention recently. A popular ULTR approach for real-world applications uses a two-tower architecture, where click modeling is factorized into a relevance tower with regular input features, and a bias tower with bias-relevant inputs such as the position of a document. A successful factorization will allow the relevance tower to be exempt from biases. In this work, we identify a critical issue that existing ULTR methods ignored - the bias tower can be confounded with the relevance tower via the underlying true relevance. In particular, the positions were determined by the logging policy, i.e., the previous production model, which would possess relevance information. We give both theoretical analysis and empirical results to show the negative effects on relevance tower due to such a correlation. We then propose three methods to mitigate the negative confounding effects by better disentangling relevance and bias. Empirical results on both controlled public datasets and a large-scale industry dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
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Body Mass Index (BMI), age, height and weight are important indicators of human health conditions, which can provide useful information for plenty of practical purposes, such as health care, monitoring and re-identification. Most existing methods of health indicator prediction mainly use front-view body or face images. These inputs are hard to be obtained in daily life and often lead to the lack of robustness for the models, considering their strict requirements on view and pose. In this paper, we propose to employ gait videos to predict health indicators, which are more prevalent in surveillance and home monitoring scenarios. However, the study of health indicator prediction from gait videos using deep learning was hindered due to the small amount of open-sourced data. To address this issue, we analyse the similarity and relationship between pose estimation and health indicator prediction tasks, and then propose a paradigm enabling deep learning for small health indicator datasets by pre-training on the pose estimation task. Furthermore, to better suit the health indicator prediction task, we bring forward Global-Local Aware aNd Centrosymmetric Encoder (GLANCE) module. It first extracts local and global features by progressive convolutions and then fuses multi-level features by a centrosymmetric double-path hourglass structure in two different ways. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed paradigm achieves state-of-the-art results for predicting health indicators on MoVi, and that the GLANCE module is also beneficial for pose estimation on 3DPW.
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Domain adaptation aims to transfer the knowledge acquired by models trained on (data-rich) source domains to (low-resource) target domains, for which a popular method is invariant representation learning. While they have been studied extensively for classification and regression problems, how they apply to ranking problems, where the data and metrics have a list structure, is not well understood. Theoretically, we establish a domain adaptation generalization bound for ranking under listwise metrics such as MRR and NDCG. The bound suggests an adaptation method via learning list-level domain-invariant feature representations, whose benefits are empirically demonstrated by unsupervised domain adaptation experiments on real-world ranking tasks, including passage reranking. A key message is that for domain adaptation, the representations should be analyzed at the same level at which the metric is computed, as we show that learning invariant representations at the list level is most effective for adaptation on ranking problems.
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Due to the lack of human resources for mental health support, there is an increasing demand for employing conversational agents for support. Recent work has demonstrated the effectiveness of dialogue models in providing emotional support. As previous studies have demonstrated that seekers' persona is an important factor for effective support, we investigate whether there are benefits to modeling such information in dialogue models for support. In this paper, our empirical analysis verifies that persona has an important impact on emotional support. Therefore, we propose a framework for dynamically inferring and modeling seekers' persona. We first train a model for inferring the seeker's persona from the conversation history. Accordingly, we propose PAL, a model that leverages persona information and, in conjunction with our strategy-based controllable generation method, provides personalized emotional support. Automatic and manual evaluations demonstrate that our proposed model, PAL, achieves state-of-the-art results, outperforming the baselines on the studied benchmark. Our code and data are publicly available at https://github.com/chengjl19/PAL.
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